Early Intervention

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Early Intervention

This local, state and federally funded program provides free in-home services to qualifying children birth to three years of age. Children can receive Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Speech Therapy and Specialized Teaching Instruction. Early Intervention follows all rules and regulations stated in Part C of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).

Early Intervention is a family-centered approach using Family Guided Routines Based Intervention to educate families on how to use their normal, typical routines to enhance their child’s abilities. Therapists and Teachers will work with families on cognitive, social, communication, physical and activities of daily living skills.

The AWE Center provides the following Early Intervention services:

  • Physical Therapy
  • Occupational Therapy
  • Speech Therapy
  • Specialized Instruction

Therapists and Teachers from the AWE Center will work with families to help their child in the following areas:

  • Communication/Language
  • Motor (Gross and Fine)
  • Social/Emotional
  • Cognitive
  • Adaptive/Daily Living Skills
  • Sensory Processing
  • Feeding Issues/Concerns
  • Balance/Coordination

Our Therapists and Teachers have advanced training in feeding, behaviors, neurological and orthopedic trauma including concussions.